Jumbo Leussink bloemenJumbo Leussink bloemen

Jumbo Leussink

Industry Supermarkets
Place Goor
Customer Jumbo Leussink

Leussink Retail Group is now a fourth-generation family company with nine Jumbo Supermarkets in the Dutch regions of Twente and the Achterhoek, and several Etos (chemist chain), Gall & Gall (off-license chain) stores and a few more hospitality companies. When Tijn Leussink and his brother took over the family business in 2010 from their father, Van Keulen was already a preferred supplier, and so far, the two brothers have no regrets about that. A fantastic project was the most sustainable supermarket in the Benelux, which was completed in Goor in March 2021.

Leussink makes a statement in the Dutch town of Goor with the most sustainable retail building in the Benelux

Tijn: “The town of Goor does not have a great name when it comes to the environment due to the asbestos contamination caused by the company Eternit. Now, the Twenterand municipality does everything possible to improve Goor’s environmental reputation. So, when we purchased a piece of land from the municipality behind our existing building to replace the very old Jumbo supermarket with a new building containing a Jumbo, Etos and a Gall & Gall, the municipality was keen for us to distinguish ourselves with a sustainable approach. We managed to realise that approach successfully.”

For example, the building makes no use of natural gas, is energy efficient, uses a minimum amount of water and was constructed with certified reusable materials, such as an entirely green roof that makes an important contribution to water storage and biodiversity in the built environment. Although the most far-reaching measures have been realised in the building, of course, an environmentally friendly way of working and using materials by the shopfitters is also a contributing factor.

Reusable material

Reusable materials were also used as much as possible in the interior of the Jumbo in Goor. And reuse is always an important item in the collaboration between Leussink and Van Keulen. That is because Leussink also has an Event Super department, which provides pop-up stores at festivals and events. For this, used checkout units and shelving from supermarkets are adapted by Van Keulen, mounted on wheels and thus enjoy a second life throughout Europe.

“As they produce everything themselves, Van Keulen Interieurbouw is far more flexible than its competitors"

Tijn Leussink

Flexible customisation within the planning

When asked about the advantages of Van Keulen, Leussink is very clear. “As they produce everything themselves, Van Keulen Interieurbouw is far more flexible than its competitors. During the 10-year trajectory from idea to completion of the building in Goor, the assembly teams of Van Keulen only set to work during the last three to four weeks. And then there is always something that works out differently than planned. For example, we do not operate according to the standard Jumbo formula. Instead, for certain departments, we have our own wishes and ideas, such as an elaborate beer corner. Then you see how the flexible customisation of Van Keulen really works even when we deviate further from the drawings during the construction process. Not everyone is capable of doing that. And we know what we’re talking about because, with different shop formulas, we have experience with a range of shopfitters. With Van Keulen, we never find ourselves seated at opposite sides of the table. Instead, we always work together at all levels.”

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