Landal Greenparks

Industry Hospitality & Leisure
Place Warsberg
Customer Landal Greenparks

Landal is renovating its park shops in a smart and efficient manner. Where possible, shop, reception, hospitality and sports and games equipment rental facilities are being combined. This allows colleagues from different departments to work together more effectively, while guests benefit from longer opening hours. A good example of this novel concept is park Warsberg in Germany, where Van Keulen Interieurbouw completed the renovation of the park shop in late 2023.

Landal Greenparks and Van Keulen Interieurbouw: partners in renovating park shops

Landal concept developer Chris van der Ven is thrilled with the end result and how it was realised together with Van Keulen. “I have known Van Keulen for a long time through previous employers, but this project in particular showed me once more that they really can do it all. They not only excel at supermarket interiors, but will build a reception desk with the same level of professionalism. You can tell that they also handle interior development for libraries and schools. We get to reap the benefits of their versatility.”

Collaboration crucial for a good end result

Together with regular creative designer Jan Kroon, the concept created for Warsberg was designed to mitigate the huge peaks that the park has to deal with. The smart design, with features such as a bread counter outside the actual shop, creates ample space to offer guests a relaxed experience even during peak hours.

With Jan Kroon’s design sketches in hand, Van Keulen carefully measured the space and then created detailed drawings of easily manufacturable furniture that is practical and accurately captures the unique ‘feel’ of a Landal holiday park.

"Providing valuable input is more than a fancy marketing term for Van Keulen; it is deeply ingrained in how they operate."

Chris van der Ven, Landal concept developer

An intensive collaboration that began in the summer of 2023 ended with a completed project in December of that same year. “The excellent preparation and an assembly team that is familiar with the Landal concept allowed us to realise the complete interior in a matter of days,” Chris says. “Although I believe Van Keulen doesn’t make many mistakes to begin with, any project invariably has its issues, but those don’t affect us as the client at all. Whatever the problem is, it is solved immediately. Any missing components are produced and quickly delivered by truck to ensure that the agreed delivery date is met.”

Pragmatic and solution-oriented

Chris van der Ven wholeheartedly recommends Van Keulen. “It has a lot to do with their professionalism, obviously, but perhaps even more important is how we work together. It is an incredibly versatile and pragmatic organisation. Providing valuable input is more than a fancy marketing term for Van Keulen; it is deeply ingrained in how they operate. Add to that the fact that everyone, at every level of the organisation, is easily approachable and takes responsibility for a solution and it quickly becomes clear that a project simply cannot fail.”

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